Election Info

When to vote?

2024 Primary Runoffs

  • Early Voting: Monday, May 20th – Friday, May 24th
  • Election Day: Tuesday, May 28th


Is voting in Primary Elections important?

Many districts both in Texas and around the country have either a strong Republican or Democrat voting base, making most districts effectively “safe” seats for one party or the other. This means that in most districts in Texas, whoever wins the primary election is almost guaranteed to win the November general election. In addition, turnout in primary elections are typically much lower than in general elections. Voting in the primary election in Texas is extremely important and many times can be the most important election in deciding who will represent you.


Where can I vote?

Polling locations can be found in several places: Many counties now post the polling locations on their website, most Texas newspapers publish the polling locations prior to every election or you can call the person that handles the Election Duties in your county to find the polling locations. If you have your voter registration certificate, it will list your precinct number. When you call, tell the person that answers the phone your precinct number to find out where your polling place is located.

***During Early Voting, you are generally allowed to vote at any polling location within the county. On Election Day, you are sometimes required to vote in your local precinct. For more information visit here.


What is the last day to register to vote?

The last day to register is 30 days prior to the election date. For the November 5, 2024 General Election, the last day to register to vote is Tuesday, October 15th. For the Primary Election, the last day to register to vote is February 3rd.


How do I register to vote?

It is easy! To start the voter registration process online, just visit the Texas Secretary of State website here. Then fill out the form, print it, sign it, and mail it in to the address listed at the top. That’s it!

You can learn more about registering to vote in Texas here.


How can I be sure that I am registered to vote or if I am on the voter rolls in the county where I reside?

You can check to see if you, your friends, and your family are registered to vote by visiting the Texas Secretary of State website here. Be sure to invite your friends and family to register to vote if they are not registered!


How do I find my district’s race section?

The Free Voters Guide this year will be entirely online and available exclusively through this website. When the guide is available in late February, you will simply just enter in your address on this site and we will provide voter guide information for your particular candidates, based on your address. It’s that simple!

You can also find a list of all your elected officials by entering your address here.


Do I need a photo ID to vote in person?

Yes, Texas’ Voter ID Law is in effect. Find more information here.


What races does the Free Voters Guide cover?

Currently, the Free Voters Guide only covers state, statewide, and federal offices for election. Due to time, costs, and staff we are only able to cover the Republican Primary Election and are unable to cover all local elections. Our plan is to cover all major party candidates at the state and federal level for the 2024 General Election in November.


How is the Free Voters Guide produced?

Texas Values Action partners with iVoterGuide in producing the guide. When you enter your address information and click to get your personalized guide, you will be taken to the Texas Values Action version of the iVoterGuide. The guide is the most comprehensive voter guide covering Texas elections. The guide evaluates candidates on a very conservative to very liberal scale based on voting records, vote scores, candidate donation history, and a comprehensive issue questionnaire – all which is available for you to view.


Can Texas Values Action tell me who to vote for?

The Free Voters Guide is an effort to better inform Texas voters so they can make an informed decision. The Free Voters Guide is not an attempt to endorse or oppose any candidate. The panel evaluations of the candidates are not endorsements by Texas Values Action.


What rights do churches and individuals have?

Read our page on Rights to find out what you and churches may and may not do.


Other helpful sites with election information:


Get Your Personalized Voters Guide Now

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